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  • jft536

My College Wishes

Applying to college was easier for me in some ways, and harder in others. I initially didn't care much for college. I was planning on taking the easy route, going to SMC and transferring, but I got persuaded to reconsider. I decided I might as well apply to give me the option should I change my mind. For this reason, I applied to a minimal number of schools, and didn't have too much pressure on myself. This made the application process easier, though I would not recommend it.

A reason I was able to convince myself to take it easy was due to my concussion. Completing school work was hard enough, and to do college apps on top of it was painful.

If I do this again, I would start earlier, and plan further ahead. I started near the last minute which was by far the wrong idea. Not only because I received my concussion basically as soon as I did start, but also because good writing does not come quickly. Something I was able to take advantage of, however, was the people around me. They were able to help read over my essays and give me advice. Friends, family, and teachers pitched in, which greatly improved my overall writing.

I now look forward to college, rather than seeing it as just a thing. The experiences I'll have, and the lifelong memories I'll create will be more than worth it. College is a time to gain independence and transition into adult life, and I couldn't be more ready. Actually, I could, when the semester's over.

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